Monday, October 3, 2011

Blog 2:Explaining Contadictions

A good argument isn't complete without a great breakdown of a contradiction.  Contradictions are two clashing arguments that together equal a negative argument, or one that cannot be completely true.  In the text Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser, a sense of irony is sprinkled throughout the text in different point of views.  In the text a character Kenny Dobbins is a worker at Monfort slaughterhouse where he loyal to his employers and even his workers as further shown in the text.  The company over the years had seemed really good to Kenny because he figured that with his lack of skill and knowledge, Monfort didn't have to give him a job but they did anyways, or so he thought.  One day Kenny was working with the pre-beaker machine in the factory when he noticed one of his co-workers had just turned off the machine and was trying to stick his head into the machine which he'd known to have taken fifteen minutes to shut down completely.  He ran and saved his co-worker and his employer gave him an award for"Outstanding Achievement in concern for fellow Workers."  The care shown in acknowledging the worker's heroism contadicts with the later situation after Kenny suffered major injuries because of his dedication to his work, that was then neglected by Monfort.  The irony lies within the idea that the companies will give an award for workers caring about each other but won't care about the workers themselves. Their award is the sparing of the worker rather than taking personal care of the worker.  As proven with Kenny, once the worker becomes useless to them, they are no longer needed and replaced.

1 comment:

  1. Well you definitely made sure that your paragraph related back to your main topic sentence and that you had clear examples from the text of a contradiction.You have some citations errors such as when describing a very important part about Kenny's experience as a slaughter house worker. You definitely paraphrased, but you're just missing a little bit of information directly from the text that was quoted above. Also, remember that Kenny is a real life person, not a character that's what makes his story relevant to the research that Schlosser was conducting.You have minor grammatical errors so carefully read over what you have wrote. I don't think you need the first sentence because your second sentence sounds like your definite introduction to the topic. Overall good job. This gave me an idea of what to put in my essay.
